First, let me say that Pat G’orge Walker is a funny lady. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing her perform her one woman comedy act playing the character of a church lady named Sister Betty. She brought down the house. Her observations about the absurdities associated with some religious institutions are right on point. When G’orge-Walker really gets going the results can be hilarious, whether it’s on stage or in print. Her latest book, No Ordinary Noel, is an excellent example.
In No Ordinary Noel, Crossing Over Sanctuary church in Pelzer, South Carolina is facing a crisis. The local bank is calling in a multi-million dollar loan on a development that the church calls The Promise Land. Needless to say Crossing Over doesn’t have the money. Its pastor; Reverend Leotis Tom doesn’t know which way to turn. That is until Deacon Freddie Noel makes an unexpected offer.
Noel has won the mega-lottery and he wants to pay the loan off with his winnings, but the pious Reverend Tom refuses the generous gesture because the money was obtained through gambling. When his congregation finds out about his refusal all hell breaks loose.
I won’t divulge some of the highlights of this delightful comedic romp. All I’ll say is that the reactions of some of the colorful church members to their pastor’s insanity are priceless, as is the description of the shenanigans that goes on at the Senior Prom, a fund raiser for the mature residents in the area. These scenes alone are worth the price of the book.
Review by C.V. Rhodes